Hi all and happy February! Looks like another 6 weeks of winter according to Punxatawney Phil - we’ll see lol but thanks to my friends @laurameetsmusicians and @evergreenbabycrochet for sharing some Groundhog stories yesterday ☺️
As I slowly come out of my own social media hibernation, my first show of 2025 will be a week from today (Monday, Feb 10) at @cowgirlseahorse starting at 6pm and hosted by @philrobinsonmusic and @victorvgurbo. Honored to be part of another Gurbo/Robinson Revue production! Completing that night’s lineup are @lesserknownwomen and @selfperpetual
I had the pleasure of playing at @cowgirlseahorse last fall as part of Phil’s Bruce tribute and it’s a really fun place with great food and drink selection. It’s located at 259 Front St by the seaport. No cover for this btw. I have an exciting year of music ahead and it starts here. Hope to see you!
Had such a blast performing at @nublunyc (Nublu Classic location) last Wed as part of the Gurbo/Robinson Revue and thanks so much to all who attended!
Thanks as usual to my awesome bandmates - @bob.stander @teddykumpel @newyorkerrico and @shawnmurr! And it was such a pleasure kicking off such a fabulous lineup including @victorvgurbo @tuesdayschildbandnyc @philrobinsonmusic and @dflosounds! Many thanks as well to @de.graux.imaging for the fab photos and as always to @roomfulofsky! Such a fun night overall and hope to do this again soon.
#roomfulofsky #nublu #nublunyc
Happy Fall! My favorite season. Love this time of year.
Got a couple of shows this week in NYC. The first one is tonight (Monday, 9/23) and will be a fun night for Springsteen fans as my friend @philrobinsonmusic is hosting a Springsteen Tribute Show in honor of Bruce’s 75th bday at @cowgirlseahorse near the Seaport in lower Manhattan at 259 Front St. It will be going on all night from 6-11pm full of artists playing their favorite Bruce songs. I’ll be playing a couple of songs within the 7-8pm slot. I’m sworn to secrecy as to what I’ll be playing lol but if you love Bruce this will be a fun one to check out. And it’s free to enter!
After that, this Wednesday (9/25), I’ll be playing at @nublunyc at their East Village location on 62 Loisaida Ave (aka 62 Ave C)! Nublu has been at the epicenter of the jazz/experimental scene in NYC for the last 20 years and a lot of big time artists have played there. I’m kicking off a 5 act lineup curated by my buds, @philrobinsonmusic and @victorvgurbo, as part of their Gurbo/Robinson Revue and also includes @tuesdayschildbandnyc and @dflosounds. My set starts at 7pm and will run for about 50 minutes. It’s a full band show and I’ll be joined by my usual mates - @bob.stander @newyorkerrico @teddykumpel and @shawnmurr. Costs $10 to enter to check out this show. No tickets in advance - just show up and purchase at the door. Would love to see you there!
Loved performing as one of the opening acts for the Beth Gadbaw Trio at @blackroseacoustic in Colorado Springs over the weekend! Thanks to the Black Rose gang for having me - loved the experience and hope to be back at some point! Also hope to share a performance pic or two soon. ☺️